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Social and Economic Opportunities in Smart Cities with Autonomous Mobility and IoT

Research on IoT and EVs for UCLA Anderson Technology Management: Cloud Computing & Big Data (440–9) Executive Summary & Key Findings Investments in smart city infrastructure and autonomous vehicles will have big social and economic benefits, including: Enhanced urban mobility Improved citizen and social care Strengthened public safety by faster response times for ambulance, fire and police emergency services Increased city and local business revenues Cloud computing solution providers have developed technology frameworks to drive adoption by autonomous mobility providers and city infrastructure planners. 5G and new data streams from IoT infrastructure will enable innovative business models with opportunities to monetize data by both municipal and private entities. There is little agreement about standards, critical to connecting autonomous vehicles, humans, robots, and drones so they can coexist in smart city infrastructure. Siloed smart city infrastructure data will result in failure to uncover the full potential of IoT and AI for cities

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    Social and Economic Opportunities in Smart Cities with Autonomous Mobility and IoT

    Research on IoT and EVs for UCLA Anderson Technology Management: Cloud Computing & Big Data (440–9) Executive Summary & Key Findings Investments in smart city infrastructure and autonomous vehicles will have big social and economic benefits, including: Enhanced urban mobility Improved citizen and social care Strengthened public safety by faster response times for ambulance, fire and police emergency services Increased city and local business revenues Cloud computing solution providers have developed technology frameworks to drive adoption by autonomous mobility providers and city infrastructure planners. 5G and new data streams from IoT infrastructure will enable innovative business models with opportunities to monetize data by both municipal and private entities. There is little agreement about standards, critical to connecting autonomous vehicles, humans, robots, and drones so they can coexist in smart city infrastructure. Siloed smart city infrastructure data will result in failure to uncover the full potential of IoT and AI for cities

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